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Migrate to Lumos v0.23

BREAKING: Dropped All Filesystem Supports

@ckb-lumos/config-manager.initializeConfig Dropped The Support for Reading File/Environment Configuration

Lumos dropped the support of reading configuration from process.env.LUMOS_CONFIG_NAME and working directory's config.json. Please reading the configuration file manually

+import { readFileSync } from "node:fs"

+const config = readFileSync(path)

@ckb-lumos/hd.Keystore.load and ``save` Are Dropped

@ckb-lumos/hd.XPubStore.load and ``save` Are Dropped

#ckb-lumos/hd-cache.CacheManager.loadFromKeystore Is Dropped

Please migrate to loadFromKeystoreJson

- path,
+ JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path).toString())

The ModelHelper provides a set of common methods, such as create, hash, clone, and equals, for CKB-related objects. This helper is designed to work with a ModelLike object for convenience, allowing developers to work with ambiguous objects instead of just the strict object.

export type ModelHelper<Model, ModelLike = Model> = {
create(modelLike: ModelLike): Model
equals(modelLike: ModelLike, modelR: ModelLike): boolean
hash(modelLike: ModelLike): Uint8Array
clone(model: ModelLike): Model
import { cellHelper } from "@ckb-lumos/helpers"

const cell = cellHelper.create({
lock: "ckb1qzda0cr08m85hc8jlnfp3zer7xulejywt49kt2rr0vthywaa50xwsqgqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq5m759c",

const _61CKB = 61 * 10 ** 8
asserts(BI.from(cell.cellOutput.capacity).eq(_61CKB)) // 61 CKB